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Why choose Durham Health as your general practice?

Durham Health is a purpose built Integrated Family Healthcare Centre in Rangiora, North Canterbury.

Durham Health is a Cornerstone accredited practice having met the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners standard for GP servcies as defined in 'aiming for excellence'.

100% of patients surveyed would recommend us to others.

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COVID-19 Protocols 

We are experiencing significantly increased demand at this time.

Whilst we appreciate life is now mostly 'back to normal', we are still looking after many vulnerable patients and therefore have to continue minimising person-to-person contact to prevent symptomatic patients mixing with others.

In order to keep our patients and staff safe during Covid-19 we will be operating under the following rules:

  • All requests for in person appointments will be phone triaged
  • Telephone consults will be offered to minimise patient numbers in the building
  • If you need to be physically examined we will ask questions to assist us in arranging safe care
  • Our online booking system and drop in clinics will remain closed until further notice
  • You may still order repeat prescriptions online
  • You cannot enter the building if you are covid positive. Please call us if you are covid+ and you will be given instructions
  • We require you to wear a surgical mask when entering our building if you have any cold / flu / cough / respiratory symptoms

See our COVID-19 page for more information on our current practice protocols, our COVID vaccine clinic, or how to arrange a COVID test at the clinic

Learn more


Our Services

We offer a full range of healthcare services, including same-day acute care, minor surgery, and workplace medicals

Accident & Injury
Accident & Injury
Child Health
Child Health
Skin Checks
Skin Checks
Long Term Conditions
Long Term Conditions

We take your health seriously

Welcoming environment
Welcoming environment
Team of experts
Team of experts
Caring practitioners
Caring practitioners
Community focused
Community focused



Why can't I get in to see the same doctor all the time?
Why do the doctors run late sometimes?
Can I ring for a repeat prescription?

Contact us today & book an appointment