Belkyra (Double chin treatment)

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What is Belkyra?

Belkyra® is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells in the area under the chin to improve your profile.

Belkyra® contains a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid which imitates naturally occurring deoxycholic acid. When injected under the chin, it works by bursting the fat cells like a balloon. The fat released by the fat cells is then removed by the body’s repair system and transferred by the blood stream into the liver where it gets excreted out of the body.

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What does the treatment involve?

Belkyra® is injected into the fat under your chin by a series of injections.

Some patients may need multiple treatments to obtain desired result.

Treatments last 30 to 40 minutes and are best spaced 6 to 8 weeks apart.

Although Belkyra® doesn’t restrict your activities, you will be swollen after treatment, so you may not wish to go straight back to work. Your double chin will get approximately twice as big for a least a couple of days, and remain swollen for up to 14 days. This swelling is actually crucial to your result. It is a sign of successful treatment and helps the healing process in the area.

Only One Treatment Needed!

Radiosurgery facilitates, accelerates and improves surgical procedures, is efficient in removing benign skin lesions, moles and skin tags with superior cosmetic results.

The tissue removal is made at a superficial skin level, the scarring risks are minimal, it is painless, doesn’t require sutures, doesn’t cause any bleeding, swellings or post-operative infections and ensures a fast and efficient healing process.

What is the cost of treatment?

The cost of Surgitron treatment varies depending on the number and size of the skin lesions removed, but prices start from $300