Maori and Pasifika Health

Maori health

Nau mai, haere mai!

Durham Health is committed to providing equable and valuable care for our Maori and Pasifika patients.

We recognise the ongoing need to improve the implementation of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We work to apply the principles of the Te Wheke and Te Whare Tapa Whā care models.  We are committed to improving our policies and practices in response to growing wisdom and guidance from national guiding bodies such as Te Whatu Ora and Te Aka Whai Ora, and in response to local and national feedback.

As part of the Pegasus network we work closely with a range of local North Canterbury and Pegasus services including Here Toitū

We have a Maori health plan to address the needs of our enrolled Maori patients and optimise healthcare.

We offer a wide range of health services many of which are free to all our enrolled patients including : 

  • Annual Diabetic Check - all patients with 
  • Before School Checks - for 4 year olds
  • Breastscreen South - women aged 45-69 yrs. Contact: 0800 270 200 or email or ask us to make the appointment for you
  • Cardiovascular Risk Assessment - men over 30yrs and women over 40yrs

You are always welcome to attend your appointment with whanau or a support person of your choice

Local Maori Health and Support services:

Ready to stop smoking?

Aukati Kaipaipa - 0800 4 257 00

Youth mentoring

Te Ora Hou - 03 352 1057 or Te Tai O Marokura (see below)  

Maori Disabilities and Resource Centre

Includes Disability and Advisory Service, Hearing/vision impaired support, 24 hour crisis team, advocacy, counselling, instruction in taha Maori, Treaty of Waitangi, Home visits, Alcohol and Drug recovery, at risk youth, Diabetes testing, Health education, Cultural supervision, Mirimiri (massage) and Budgeting advice.

Contact :  03 337 8013 and for crisis team pager 086 836 839 or 086 838 223

Te Tai O Marokura

Health and Social services - including Alcohol and Drug assessments/support, Youth counselling, Social worker, Youth Programme, Youth Justice support, Strengthening Families, Budget advice, Whanau Ora (Family health), Cervical screening, Smoking cessation, Tamariki Ora (well child), B4 school checks , Mama and Pepi (Pregnancy Support), Environmental Health, Court support and Advocacy Services.

Contact Te Tai O Marokura - 03 319 6443

Te Puawaitanga ki Otautahi Trust (branch of Maori womens welfare league) 

Kaupapa Maori ideals to promote , deliver and improve healthcare - Outreach Immunisation Service, Child restraints - car seat programme, Tamariki ora PAFT (Parents as first teachers),nutrition and physical activities,preschool promotion, Rapuora mobile nurses.

Contact 03 344 5062

He Waka Tapu 

Free cervical screening for all Maori and Pacific Island Women age 20-69 who have never had a cervical smear or who have not had a cervical smear in the last 3 years and are overdue. Transport can be provided free and you or your medical centre can book an appointment by calling Leanne Lloyd on :

03 359 7407

Te Pito Ora 

Kaupapa Maori 24 hour staffed residential facility for adults who experience mental illness.

Contact: 03365 9698

Tangata Atamotu

Trust Mobile Nursing Service

Contact: 03 940 5692

Ramai Lord

Pegasus PHO Maori Health Manager.

Contact: 03 353 0874 or 021 413 406

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Te Runanga o Nga Maata Waka - manage the National Marae Nga Hau e Wha 

Provides the following:  education, health, counselling, tanigihanga, driver education, advocacy, early childhood education, recreation, sport, justice, courts, legal support, Maori legal services and initiatives in employment related matters.  Other projects include a garden at Tuahiwi (that provides vegetables for locals, community groups, kaumatua and anyone in need).

Contact details :

  • Address: 250 Pages Rd
  • PO Box: 15057
  • Phone: 03 388 7685
  • Website :